Plainfield Congregational Church

Self-Designated Kindness Center
Are there days when you just feel like you could use a hug or maybe a kind word? Or, maybe you need a genuine smile or just a helping hand?
PCCUCC has embraced the 'Kindness Movement' and is committed to be the place where people help and support one another with compassion and unconditional love. From community kindness messages on our electronic sign to sending cards and care packages to local firemen, paramedics, and the police to sharing stories of those giving and receiving ordinary and extraordinary acts of kindness, we strive to help instill kindness and compassion as everyday choice responses.
This photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC
PCCUCC is one of 3 churches that are part of Growing Hope Globally (formerly FRB—Foods Resource Bank).
For the last 16 years, they have raised approximately $900,000 for acres to be planted and seeds sent overseas. This year, during the pandemic, each of these churches decided to use monies raised to help food pantries locally. Thus far, PCCUCC has sent funds to Crest Hill’s food pantry (The Family Outreach Program) and to the Plainfield Interfaith Food Pantry.
PCCUCC keeps a Micro Food Pantry stocked on a regular basis.
Future plans are underway to have a Community Kindness Center with all Plainfield churches being represented, sharing ideas and resources to help those in need.
Contact Joan at PCCUCCinfo@gmail.com:
To Share Acts of Kindness received or given
To request a posting of a helpful source or program
To receive more information about the Kindness Movement
The Generate Kindness Foundation is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit and 100% volunteer organization with the mission to make the world a kinder place by promoting, inspiring and creating intentional acts of kindness through innovative programs, volunteer events and viral media strategies.
The Kindness Rocks Project: began in late 2018 as one woman’s small gesture which turned into a global movement. Paint caring and hopeful messages on a rock and leave for someone for inspiration.