Plainfield Congregational Church

Outreach Missions of our Community Connections Ministry
PCCUCC provides outreach to the Plainfield community and wider areas through a multitude of outreach missions. On a regular basis, we support local organizations such as:
​​Growing Hope Globally: Growing Hope Globally (formerly Foods Resource Bank) is a Christian-based program that promotes self-sufficiency by providing food, seed, education, supplies, and tools for hungry people and poorly equipped farmers in underdeveloped nations. We partners with several other Illinois churches from different denominations to raise funds for the Foods Resource Bank each year. Nearly $700,000 has been raised since this partnership began 10 years ago.

Feed My Starving Children: The Congregation has been involved with packing food to be shipped globally to address food shortages and hunger around the world in cooperation with the Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) organization. In February of 2020 we were able to participate in North Central College Feed the Need event to have 5,000 volunteers packing 1 million meals. It was a special day to feel the love and pray for everyone to be blessed with food security. We regularly schedule opportunities to pack meals with FMSC.
Morning Star Mission: Morning Star Mission has been providing shelter, food, clothing, and hope to those in need in since 1909. The church partners with them to provide Easter baskets and a Christmas party for those served by the Mission's family transitional housing program. Morning Star Mission serves community meals and PCCUCC has arranged to serve breakfast for those in need in Joliet.
Five for Five Special Mission: We partner with the UCC to support the Five for Five Special Mission Offerings: Our Church's Wider Mission, One Great Hour of Sharing, Strengthen the Church, Neighbors in Need, and the Christmas Fund. These contribute to wider ministries of the UCC and our partners in the US and around the world. Our Church's Wider Mission (OCWM) emphasizes the United Church of Christ mission to be the body of Christ, listening to the still speaking God, welcoming all, and striving to change lives in positive and meaningful ways.
Strengthen the Church
Re-imagines and builds the future of the UCC. Shared at the conference and national levels, STC largely supports youth ministries and full-time leaders for new churches in parts of the country where the UCC does not have a strong presence. Its also provides support for existing church's new initiatives.
Neighbors in Need
This special mission offering supports ministries of justice and compassion throughout the United States. NIN funds support the Council for American Indian Ministry(CAIM) and the UCC's Justice and Witness Ministries to support a variety of justice initiatives, advocacy efforts, and direct service projects through grants.